Feedback and complaints

We would really like to know what patients and those close to them think about the care we provide. This helps us to make ongoing improvements to our methods and procedures.

Contact the centre that provided you with care

You are always welcome to share your thoughts and opinions with us. Please contact the healthcare centre or department where you have been provided with care. In the event of a complaint, it is the employees at this centre who will be best able to explain what happened, and they will be able to take action to ensure it does not happen again. You may remain anonymous if you wish, but be aware that this would prevent you from receiving any reply.

When you have submitted your feedback to your healthcare provider, they should provide you with confirmation that your comments have been received without delay. You can expect a reply within four weeks, although for cases that require further investigation, it may take a little longer. If you are aged below 18 years, we will always try to respond within less than four weeks. The reply you receive should be written in such a way so that you can understand it.

Questions about care needs or condition of illness

If you have any questions about care needs or the condition of an illness, you should contact 1177 Vårdguiden or your local healthcare centre.

Patient advisor

You can also direct any comments or complaints to our patient advisor at Stockholm Health Care Services, Region Stockholm.

Write your feedback in a letter, and remember to include your contact details so that we can send you a response. If you do not need a reply, you can also send your feedback anonymously.

Send your letter to:

Stockholm Health Care Services, Region Stockholm Area


Box 45436


You can also call our patient advisor on 08-123 400 40.

The Patient Advisory Committee in Stockholm

The Patient Advisory Committee is an independent, impartial and free-of-charge body that must exist by law in all county councils. The committee’s undertaking is to resolve problems that have arisen in the contact between patients and care provider employees, and to provide advice and information.

The Patient Advisory Committee has a duty of confidentiality, and you can put forward your views or consult one of their administrators. Go to their website to find out more: